Investing today is possibly more perilous than it has ever been
before. While never really predictable, the contemporary investment
market certainly seems to have a mind of its own, unresponsive
to the
usual factors
many investors have come to rely on.
Maybe you like the adrenaline rush of the wild ride. However,
if you're like me, you've worked too hard for your money to take
unnecessary risks with investing. At the same time, I'll bet
you want to make sure you are getting a good
return when
you do invest, whether it's with your discretionary funds, your
retirement investments,
a 401k, or IRA.

have been successfully managing investment accounts following
a methodical and measured approach. Safety balanced
with growth are
our two guiding factors. Over our nearly two decades of investment
management, we have developed a no-load mutual fund trend-analysis
method that has allowed us to maximize
gain during market
upswings, and cut to the sidelines when stock prices are falling. In
fact, we moved all our clients' positions into the safety of
money markets in October 13, 2000 when the market was still near
its peak, so portfolios retained the lion's share of their gains (View
Chart). This
was not an emotional decision. It was just what our numbers showed
us to do.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results, and they
say that nothing is certain but change. However, with our program
we have been able to work in the midst of change and prosper
often enough to amass a respectable track
record of success.
Though our investment management clients have enjoyed peace
of mind, excellent asset growth, and a good measure of security
in working
us, we
know that some people prefer to do their own
investing. So,
we are making our information and insights into market trends
available to you. And we are offering it FREE.
we know that if you follow our recommendations and have success
with our free product, there may come a time when you will need
one of our other services like personal
investment management. That's
where we not only provide the information, we also handle the investment
details. So you can put your time and attention where it will do you the
good (like in your business or on the golf course!).
We believe that our integrity, knowledge, and genuine concern
for helping people secure their financial future will put us
at the head of the line should you ever be looking for someone
to manage your investment account, or for assistance in setting
up or maintaining your 401k or IRA..
We invite you to CLICK HERE to
register for our FREE weekly e-newsletter and
investment update. It will let you know how the statistics indicate
market, and no load mutual funds may be moving, and what investments
we think will serve investors best-and why.
Here's what you get absolutely FREE:
- Our weekly newsletter
detailing market trends
- Our recommendations
for No Load Domestic Equity Growth Funds, International
Equity Growth
Funds, Domestic Bond Funds, International Bond Funds
and more.
- Detailed
momentum analysis of all the funds we investigate
- Custom tracking
of your personal 401k choices (those that are publicly
phone/e-mail access to Ulli Niemann, a registered investment
If you sometimes feel like you're in a battle with your investments,
our e-newsletter might be just the ammunition you need to win.

It's FREE, and we promise we will never, ever, sell or share
your contact information with a third party. Period.
So, please do try our newsletter. Once you see what it provides,
perhaps you will find other ways we can support you in realizing
your financial objectives. Whether you go further than our newsletter
or not, we hope to establish a long and rewarding relationship
with you.

Ulli Niemann
Registered Investment Advisor